January 3, 2009: Its time to start planning out the garden for the new year now! I have been poring over the seed catalogs
and seed seller's websites, and trying to come up with some plans for the new garden.
I would like to use this webpage as a
kind of experiment - here I will post lists of purchased seeds - flowers, herbs, veggies & miscellaneous - along with costs
for seeds, soil amendments etc. to try to keep a running total.
Then, at the end of the season I will also post the lists of
what I have reaped from the garden, and compare the investment with the dividend. Should be interesting!!
Today, I will
start with a photo of what our garden area looks like right now, plus a list of what I have purchased already for planting, and
seeds I have saved from previous years.
Photo at left taken Jan 3 2009, approximately 5pm. The upper 2 rows contain a few cabbage & collard plants, plus several
cilantro plants that are still hanging on.
This garden plot is on a gentle slope which faces due east, behind our house. There
is a gentle breeze almost constantly, which prevents freezing. The dirt is good ol' North Carolina red clay.
I have 10
rows in this plot, plus the herb garden which is at the very top of the plot (directly to the right of the turned over wheelbarrow,
behind the rock)
For future reference, the characters shown here are my garden buddies - the Head Garden Buddy (ME!) is at the very top; top left is
Jake the Cat, Top Right is Ben the Yorkie, Bottom Right is Little Bit the tortie cat and Bottom Left is Spud Bear the solid white
cat...Oh, and by the way, the one directly below is my husband William and his friend T. Rex!
I am a vegetarian, and believe that eating local, sustainably produced food will help stop global warming.
Also, it just tastes better
when you grow it yourself!